Malaga time! / by PIGSY

PIGSY is back in Malaga

…….and it’s so good to be back!

After being a few years in Ireland I have returned to Malaga to create art in the stunning space of the studios of La Casa Amarilla where I have an art residency. Sad as I was to leave what was the fantastic enclave of the Studios of Ranelagh Arts in Ireland, I was given a great opportunity to work and create art in Spain so I had to seize it.

Since the last time I was in Malaga, the gallery of La Casa Amarilla has moved to a new home on Calle Postigo de Arance with the original studios still on Calle Santos in the orginal building.

Directed by David Burbano and Roy Laguna, La Casa Amarilla is the coolest contemporary art gallery in Malaga city and with the new gallery space the energy and vibe of this art centre has doubled!

I arrived on Friday evening and was given the keys to my new art studio straightaway. Of course I was so excited to get started that I immediately visited the two best art supplies shops in the city on Saturday morning and stocked up on paint and canvas. It was all so exciting, but it also brought back great memories of my solo exhibition “I Went to Mass” which was held in this gallery back during the pandemic, which seems a lifetime ago. You can click here to see pics of this show.

Art Supplies

My first stop for art supplies in Malaga was Iberia Arts (located near the mercado) with my next stop being to call in to Francisco in Olimpia Arts (easily found steps away from Plaza de Unicibay). Iberia Arts has a great selection of spray paints along with other art supplies and you can easily while away an hour or two perusing all that they offer. For my canvas I tend to go to Olimpia Arts as they hand stretch and handmake their own canvas which I love - it’s very appealing to me to be painting on a canvas that was literally created in the same city - it makes a lot of sense!

However, given that I will be travelling between countries in the near future I bought rolls of canvas, on this occasion, rather than stretched canvas. I also plan on painting canvas that are a lot smaller than I have painted in the past in order to make it easier to move art from country to country. However, for the moment I am here, in Malaga, and engrossing myself in every opportunity that this art residency offers!

My third stop off for supplies was in the very cool “The Place” in Soho on Cordoba Street. This is a mixed store of a tattoo parlor, hair dressers, clothes store and graffiti supplies. I was looking for some specialized skinny spray caps and I found them here. Also to be found in Soho is Shepherd Fairey’s “Paz y Libertad” mural near the CAC which is definitely worth going to for a look.

Malaga Studio Showcase

As part of my art residency I will present a studio showcase of all of the work that I created while in residence in La Casa Amarilla. This is really exciting and it not only gives me a great goal to work to but I am also really happy to have the opportunity to have visitors to my studio to see my work. Keep an eye out on my social media for the date of this event, which is yet to be arranged.

In the meanwhile, and as always, I have an open door policy in all of my studios. So if you are in Malaga city and want drop in, get in touch with my through my website or instagram as I would love for you to see what I am working on.

And if you know of any art lovers visiting Malaga let them know about my studio too and tell them to drop in!